For Students (Student Handbook) » Bus Riders

Bus Riders

The Rules and Regulations formulated by the State Board of Education for all public schools in Tennessee, in accordance with Tennessee Code Annotated 49-6-2102, state:

“A pupil shall become ineligible for pupil transportation when his behavior is such as to cause dissension on a school bus, or when he disobeys State or Local Rules and Regulations pertaining to pupil transportation.”

The following are violations in which your child could receive a bus suspension:

Getting out of seat, Pushing/Tripping, Excessive Mischief, Eating/ Drinking/ Littering, Disobey Driver, Hands/Head out of Window, Destruction of Property, Fighting /Assault, Smoking/Use of Tobacco, Rude/ Discourteous/unacceptable Language, Throwing Objects, Yelling/Hollering

Any other conduct prejudicial to good order on the bus such as attitude and/or foul language towards the driver shall result in a bus suspension for a time period to be determined by the principal.

These rules are developed to assist us in transporting your child in a safe and efficient manner.

Please discuss with your child the following guidelines regarding bus stops to further ensure their safety:
  1. Be on time.
  2. Stay clear of traffic while waiting for the bus.
  3. Wait until the bus comes to a complete stop before boarding.
  4. Cross the street ONLY when the driver tells you it is safe.
  5. Never cross behind the bus.
  6. Be absolutely QUIET at railroad crossings.